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The right stretching before and after training

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Stretching is an important part of any training session as it helps prevent injuries and improves your flexibility. Here are some tips for proper stretching before and after exercise:

Before the training

Before training, you should warm up slowly to prepare your muscles for the stress ahead. Start with a light cardio session or some simple stretching exercises to activate your body. You should only do the actual stretching after the warm-up.

Choose the right exercises

Choose the right exercises for your workout. The exercises should be tailored to the muscle groups you will use during your training session. Avoid exercises that put too much strain on your joints or cause pain.

Stretch slowly and in a controlled manner

Stretch slowly and in a controlled manner to avoid injury. Hold each stretch for about 15-30 seconds, breathing deeply in and out. Avoid jerky movements or excessive stretching as this can lead to injury.

After training

After training, you should stretch your muscles to help them recover and prevent muscle soreness. Stretch gently and be careful not to overstretch as your muscles may already feel tired and tight.

Right timing

Don’t stretch too hard before or after exercise. It’s better to stretch after training, when your muscles are already warmed up and your body is slowly cooling down.


Stretch regularly to improve your flexibility and avoid injuries. Introduce stretching into your exercise routine to make it an integral part of your fitness routine.


Stretching is an important part of any workout session that helps prevent injuries and improve your flexibility. Choose the right exercises, stretch slowly and in a controlled manner, and stretch regularly. Don’t forget that stretching is an important part of your fitness routine that can help you reach your fitness goals and avoid injuries.


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